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The Importance of Broad Arches

Broad arches (or wide smiles) are not only very esthetic but can contribute to better facial balance and better health. Most people prefer the look of wide smiles to narrow ones, but a wide smile also gives more room for the tongue to fit to the roof of the mouth – where it belongs! When […]

Possible Relief From Grinding

Many people clench and/or grind their teeth and suffer headaches or neckaches as a result. When the front teeth touch before the back teeth the lower jaw can be driven back, and pain can be a frequent problem. This patient suffered with frequent migraines for many years. We opened small spaces just behind her upper […]

Orthodontic Treatment for a Fuller Smile

Some people have narrow smiles with their teeth set back in the face. Their smiles are often not as attractive because you hardly see their teeth. Orthodontics can align the teeth properly, change vertical angulation of the upper front teeth from appearing too “pushed back”, and broaden the arches. Restorative dentistry can then be accomplished, […]

Better Facial Balance

This patient felt that the orthodontic treatment she had as an adolescent, which included the removal of four permanent teeth, made her lips thinner and her face “sunken in”. She refused to smile and avoided the camera for years. After searching the internet, she found Dr. Hang and he re-opened her extraction spaces. She used […]

Head and Jaw Pain Relief

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYPO2NU7U7AMany people who have had retractive orthodontic treatment develop pain patterns they can’t explain. Some make the connection. Others suffer in silence and never figure out what is going on. Still others realize what was happening only after their extraction spaces are re-opened and the pain fades. A good number of our patients who have […]

Eliminating Snoring and OSA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYPO2NU7U7A If You Snore, Have Trouble Breathing At Night Or Wake Up Tired Over the last decade, some of us in the orthodontic profession have begun treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). A prominent Harvard-trained sleep physician, Dr. John Remmers, states that OSA can be related to improper jaw position and reduced tongue space. A study […]

Re-Opening Extraction Spaces How Long Does It Take?

Removable appliances can create the space between the crowns in 4-6 months. To move the roots apart for implants and broaden the dental arches to a more esthetic smile complete to the corners of the mouth, it takes from 6-12 months with fixed braces. For most patients a total treatment time of 12-18 months is […]

A Letter Regarding Jaw Surgery from Dr. Hang

Dr. Hang’s Philosophy on Surgery My patients know their bodies best. I believe it is their job to describe to me, to the best of their ability, what their symptoms are…what hurts, what doesn’t look right, what doesn’t feel right, etc.. My job is to understand what they are saying, apply it to what we […]

What is Proper Rest Oral Posture

Why do these identical twins look so different? SIGNS OF IMPROPER REST ORAL POSTURE Lips apart at rest Lip strain with flattening or wrinkling of chin when lips are closed Flaccid, rolled-out upper lip Crusty lips Accentuated “cupid’s bow” appearance of upper lip Flattened cheeks One or both jaws recessed from ideal position Nose-lip angle […]