When To See Dr. Yu.

Few people would wait for flames to go through the roof before calling the fire department. However, many parents do not bring their children for orthodontic treatment until all the teeth are in the mouth in adolescence, which is often too late for us to conservatively provide the most optimal result. We strongly encourage a […]
The Importance of Broad Arches

Broad arches (or wide smiles) are not only very esthetic but can contribute to better facial balance and better health. Most people prefer the look of wide smiles to narrow ones, but a wide smile also gives more room for the tongue to fit to the roof of the mouth – where it belongs! When […]
What is Proper Rest Oral Posture

Why do these identical twins look so different? SIGNS OF IMPROPER REST ORAL POSTURE Lips apart at rest Lip strain with flattening or wrinkling of chin when lips are closed Flaccid, rolled-out upper lip Crusty lips Accentuated “cupid’s bow” appearance of upper lip Flattened cheeks One or both jaws recessed from ideal position Nose-lip angle […]
Why We Do Not Extract or Retract

It has been shown in the refereed literature that the airway can be reduced. Facial appearance can be changed in a negative way. Many patients do not adapt to a reduction in tongue space. Patients generally look better when their teeth are more prominent in their faces. In the vast majority of cases both jaws […]
What are the Benefits of Myofunctional Therapy

We use the muscles of our face and mouth for talking, chewing, swallowing, smiling, singing, etc. and don’t usually think a thing about whether or not we are using these muscles correctly. Being certain these muscles are toned and used correctly can help guide the teeth into desirable positions in the growing child, contribute to […]
The Benefits of Early Treatment

Better facial balance can be achieved in many cases than if treatment is postponed until all the teeth have erupted. Improper skeletal relationships, poor facial balance and gummy smiles can be corrected at an early age with Biobloc Orthotropics®. The need for braces in adolescence to straighten the teeth can be reduced or eliminated […]