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Left untreated into adulthood, a compromised airway can have severe consequences as symptoms and conditions continue to worsen.
symptoms of how a compromised airway affects adults:

Migraine Headaches:

Adults with a compromised airway may experience chronic migraine headaches, which can significantly impact their quality of life.

Chronic Fatigue:

Adults with a compromised airway often experience chronic fatigue, even after a full night’s sleep, which can significantly impact their quality of life.

Cardiovascular Disease:

Adults with a compromised airway have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks, arrhythmias, and congestive heart failure.

Cognitive Decline:

A compromised airway can lead to cognitive decline and an increased risk of developing dementia in later life.


Impaired airway function can elevate the risk of stroke by affecting blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health.

High Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, can be caused by a compromised airway.

Type 2 Diabetes:

A compromised airway can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes due to the hormonal imbalances it causes.

Acid Reflux:

A compromised airway can lead to acid reflux, which can cause heartburn and damage to the esophagus.

Gum Disease (Periodontitis):

Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that can damage the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. A compromised airway can contribute to periodontitis by causing dry mouth and altering the oral microbiome.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD):

Adults with a compromised airway may experience chronic migraine headaches, which can significantly impact their quality of life.

Jaw Pain:

Adults with a compromised airway may experience jaw pain due to the misalignment of their jaws caused by mouth breathing.

Airway-focused treatments for adults can be transformative from a quality of life perspective. There are many options available. From oral appliance therapy to orthodontics to orthognathic surgery, there are solutions to improve airway health and reduce the risk of complications.