Impacted Teeth in Teens

Impacted teeth are a frequent orthodontic issue, particularly during the teenage years when permanent teeth are emerging. An impacted tooth is one that cannot fully erupt into its proper position due to obstruction from other teeth, dense bone, or surrounding soft tissue. The teeth most commonly affected by impaction are the third molars (wisdom teeth) and the upper canines (maxillary eyeteeth).

Why Do Teeth Become Impacted?

There are several reasons why teeth may become impacted:

  1. Lack of Space: Overcrowding or a small jaw can prevent teeth from emerging properly.
  2. Misalignment: If neighboring teeth block the erupting tooth, it may become stuck.
  3. Genetics: Family history can play a role in the likelihood of tooth impaction.
  4. Delayed Eruption: Some teeth simply take longer to erupt, and if there is no room when they are ready, they may become impacted.
  5. Improper Oral Habits: Thumb sucking, mouth breathing, or other habits that affect jaw development can increase the risk of impaction.

How Are Impacted Teeth Treated?

Treatment for impacted teeth varies depending on the tooth’s position, severity of impaction, and the patient’s age.

1.  Orthodontic Guidance

  • Braces or aligners may be used to create space for the impacted tooth.
  • A small surgical procedure called expose and bond may be done to attach a bracket to the impacted tooth and guide it into place.

2. Surgical Removal

  • If a tooth is too severely impacted or poses risks to other teeth, it may need to be extracted. This is common for wisdom teeth.

3. Expansion Appliances

  • In cases of severe crowding, expanding the upper jaw with devices like a palatal expander may create enough room for the impacted tooth to erupt naturally.

4. Monitoring

  • In younger teens, impacted teeth may be monitored to see if they erupt naturally with growth.

When to Seek Treatment

If your teen is experiencing discomfort, noticeable gaps, or crowding in their smile, it’s important to have their teeth evaluated to address potential concerns early and prevent future complications. Our team is here to provide a thorough assessment and personalized care plan to ensure your child’s oral health and overall comfort. Feel free to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your teen’s needs and explore the best treatment options for their unique situation.